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EMBO Member

Benjamin Podbilewicz

Technion, Haifa | Israel

EMBO 2024

Cell fusion and tissue sculpting

My group studies mechanisms of cell-to-cell fusion during organ sculpting, and the shaping of single cells, in both sexes of C. elegans. We examine the functions of dedicated cell fusion proteins in the formation, maintenance and repair of complex dendritic trees. More recently, we began to uncover how sperm and egg fuse in humans. In addition, we study mechanisms of cell fusion in archaea and how these may have contributed to eukaryogenesis.

Keywords: Membrane fusion / cell fusion / fusogens / C. elegans / EFF-1 and AFF-1 / neuronal fusion and arborization / egg-sperm fusion / fertilization / behavior / sexual dimorphism / organogenesis / fusexins

Subject area(s): Neuroscience | Membranes & Transport | Development | Cell & Tissue Architecture
