EMBO Member
Università di Padova | Italy
EMBO 1994 | Council 99–02 | MemPubC 99–04
We study the biochemical mechanisms and the intra- and inter-cellular signalling pathways underlying the neurodegeneration of motor axon terminals induced by different pathogens, including neurotoxins, and the mechanisms that lead to their complete regeneration using imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology methods. We also actively search for drugs that accelerate and improve functional recovery of the neurodegenerated synapse.
Keywords: Neuroparalytic toxins / neurodegeneration & neuroregeneration / exocytosis & endocytosis / tetanus & botulism / CXCR4 & MT receptors and their agonists
Subject area(s): Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Neuroscience | Signal Transduction