EMBO Member
DKFZ, Heidelberg | Germany
EMBO 2023
My lab uses single-cell gene repertoire analyses and antigen-receptor expression cloning to measure the diversity and to track the clonal evolution of B cell and T cell responses in health and disease. We are specifically interested in defining the quality of human B and T cell responses to infections with a focus on malaria and to develop targeted strategies to direct immune responses through vaccination.
Keywords: Immunology / B cells / antibodies / repertoire / memory
Subject area(s): Genome Stability & Dynamics | Immunology | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Molecular Medicine | Differentiation & Death | Differentiation & Death | Genome Stability & Dynamics | Immunology | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Molecular Medicine | Molecular Medicine | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Immunology | Genome Stability & Dynamics | Differentiation & Death | Molecular Medicine | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Immunology | Genome Stability & Dynamics | Differentiation & Death | Molecular Medicine | Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens | Immunology | Genome Stability & Dynamics | Differentiation & Death