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EMBO Member

Janusz M. Bujnicki

International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw | Poland

EMBO 2018 | CouC 20–23

Computational and experimental structural biology

My group is involved in theoretical and experimental research on macromolecular structures. Theoretical research involves the development of bioinformatics software, structure prediction and modeling of RNA and RNA-protein complexes. In experimental studies we combine crystallography, cryo-EM, and other low-resolution methods. We also engineer proteins to obtain enzymes with new features, e.g. altered substrate specificities.

Keywords: Bioinformatics / molecular modeling / macromolecular complexes / RNA structure / epitranscriptomics / RNA-protein interactions / RNA methyltransferases / protein engineering

Subject area(s): Genomic & Computational Biology | RNA | Structural Biology & Biophysics | Systems Biology
