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EMBO Member

Maurizio Iaccarino

CNR, Napoli | Italy

EMBO 1983 | CouC 86–88 | Council 94–96

Degree in Medicine and Biology (Honoris causa, 1999). Director, Inst. Genetics Bioph. (1985-1993). Assistant Director General for Science at UNESCO, Organizer, World Conference on Science. Member of the HFSP, EMBO and ICSU Councils. Research interests (before retirement): protein structure and characterisation; DNA methylation; nitrogen fixation; Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Presently: history of science, bioethics, environment.

Keywords: DNA methylation / biosynthesis & active transport of amino acids in E. coli / nitrogen fixation & Rhizobium-legume symbiosis

Subject area(s): Development | Membranes & Transport | Plant Biology
