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EMBO Associate Member

Michael B. Elowitz

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena | United States

EMBO 2018

Synthetic and Systems Biology

Biology is driven by molecular and cellular circuits that allow key functions like communication, signal processing, and memory. We combine synthetic biology, single cell approaches, and mathematical modeling to understand how natural circuits function effectively. We also design synthetic circuits that program new cellular and multicellular behaviors.

Keywords: Synthetic biology / gene expression noise / cellular recording systems / intercellular communication / single-cell dynamics / signaling / genetic circuit design principles / synthetic development

Subject area(s): Chromatin & Transcription | Development | Genomic & Computational Biology | Signal Transduction | Systems Biology | Chromatin & Transcription | Development | Genomic & Computational Biology | Signal Transduction | Systems Biology | Chromatin & Transcription | Development | Genomic & Computational Biology | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription | Signal Transduction | Systems Biology | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription | Systems Biology | Signal Transduction | Genomic & Computational Biology | Development | Chromatin & Transcription
