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EMBO Member

Rebecca C. Fitzgerald

MRC Cancer Unit, Cambridge | United Kingdom

EMBO 2021

Esophagus cancer pathogenesis for early diagnosis

We are a translational lab focusing on understanding the pathogenesis of Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma. We are especially interested in defining the genomic and molecular cell factors demarcating the transition between the normal epithelial state to metaplasia and in turn to cancer. We are using this information to develop clinical tests for cancer early detection and evaluating these in clinical trials.

Keywords: Cancer pathogenesis / genomics & prognostic biomarkers / aetiology of oesophageal adenocarcinoma & precursor Barrett's oesophagus / molecular diagnostic tests

Subject area(s): Genomic & Computational Biology | Molecular Medicine | Evolution & Ecology
